The digital charting tool that supports all fertility awareness-based methods

Fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) can be highly effective for avoiding pregnancy with no side effects.

No predictions or algorithms! Mark your own interpretations like peak day and temperature rise.

Endorsed by fertility awareness training institutes with official method settings templates.

Adored by charters
So happy
This app is amazing because it’s super clean and intuitive and not overwhelming, and yet it is highly customisable for whatever fertility awareness method you use. I seriously feel like crying because I’m so happy I found this.
Completely satisfied
I'm completely satisfied with my RYB app and it perfectly meets my needs for charting my cycle following the Sensiplan method!
Charting with ease
I absolutely love the customisation of this app. All of the features are *well* worth the price. It's suitable for all types of charting needs regardless of the method. I have used TCOYF, Justisse and Marquette with ease.
Adored by charters
Ana Carolina

Choose a fertility awareness-based method (FABM) that matches your lifestyle, values & goals.

Learn the method with a certified educator or appropriate learning resource.

Chart your bodily signs and mark your own interpretations to identify your fertile days.

Take action
Take action to support your fertility-related goals.
Fertility awareness honours various social, ecological, health and faith-based values.

This includes after hormonal contraception / birth control, while living with PCOS, endometriosis, postpartum or approaching menopause.

Anticipate cyclical symptoms, needs and strengths to better plan and enjoy everyday activities.

Natural family
Work with your body to effectively avoid or plan a pregnancy.
Fertility awareness honours various social, ecological, health and faith-based values.

Support your
Understand what’s happening in your body.
This includes after hormonal contraception / birth control, while living with PCOS, endometriosis, postpartum or approaching menopause.
Befriend your
Bring awareness to how you feel in different menstrual cycle phases.
Anticipate cyclical symptoms, needs and strengths to better plan and enjoy everyday activities.

Fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) are backed by decades of scientific research as well as centuries of indigenous embodied knowledge and tracking practices.

- General research about the fertile window: Wilcox et al., 1995
- Systematic review of the evidence base for FABMs: Urrutia & Polis, 2019
- Effectiveness of a double-check sympto-thermal method: Frank-Herrmann et al., 2007
- Effectiveness of a sympto-hormonal method: Fehring & Schneider, 2017
- Effectiveness of a cervical mucus-only method: Bhargava et al., 1996




Boston Cross Check









Boston Cross Check






Marquette Method Professionals Association



The Well

Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals


Marquette Method Professionals Association



The Well

Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals
Endorsement only relates to the optional use of Read Your Body as a digital charting tool using a settings template. It doesn’t imply endorsement of any of The Body Literacy Collective’s messaging or other collaborations.

Frequently asked questions
Fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) are all ways of reading your body – that is to say observing, recording and interpreting bodily signs associated with the menstrual cycle.
The bodily signs you observe are scientifically validated biomarkers such as cervical fluid, temperature and at-home urinary hormone tests.
You record your daily observations in a simple table, graph or chart so this practice is often known as menstrual cycle charting.
You learn to interpret the patterns in your chart yourself to identify your potentially fertile days each cycle and confirm ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries – a vital sign of health).
With the real-time insights from your unique cycle charts, you can take informed action to reach your family planning and wellbeing goals.
Read Your Body does not have an effectiveness rate because it’s simply a digital data recording and visualisation tool. It doesn’t include any predictions or auto-interpretations. It’s not a contraceptive device. Responsibility for all outcomes is in your hands.
You can use Read Your Body to record daily observations of scientifically validated biomarkers like cervical fluid, temperature and hormone tests. You can then interpret your patterns yourself according to the guidelines of your chosen fertility awareness-based method (FABM).
Modern fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) supported by Read Your Body can be highly effective for avoiding pregnancy with perfect use. Actual effectiveness depends on your chosen method, understanding, motivation and practices. You can read about the evidence base for FABMs here.
Most fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) recommend abstinence on potentially fertile days if charting to avoid pregnancy but some are accepting of barriers, withdrawal and alternative sex. Please consult an educator to learn more – especially if you’re wanting to reach maximum effectiveness with your chosen method.
Read Your Body is warmly welcoming to diverse values, beliefs and practices. If you’re Catholic then you can choose to chart only intercourse in the app. Catholic teaching requires abstinence during the fertile window if seeking to avoid pregnancy.
A full range of secular intimacy options is also available if needed (only displayed to those users who choose to see them).
Different fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) suit different people, lifestyles, values and goals! Browse your options and learn about some key considerations when choosing a method here.