Rest easy knowing that all of your data is totally private.

Say no to corporate period tracking apps that may extract and profit from your data.

Join our user-led movement to raise standards in femtech.

Trusted by users
Data not for sale!
Everything you could ever think of needing in a cycle tracking app. It's fully customisable, you can add or remove features, and even track lifestyle habits. And the best part? Your data is not for sale!
Safe and easy to use
I love this app! It's really easy to use, tracks what I need, plus it feels safe with my data.
Your data is yours alone
This app is incredibly comprehensive and easy to use. I LOVE that your data is your information alone. Hands down the only tracking app that I’ll use and recommend.
Trusted by users
is so private,
we can’t see it

- By default all of your charting data is stored only on your phone for total privacy.
- Optional backups are encrypted, meaning that we can never access your data in a readable format.
- You can export or delete your data inside the app at any time.
- You can trust the non-profit app that’s run by charters who care as much about their own privacy as yours!
is so private,
we can’t see it

- By default all of your charting data is stored only on your phone for total privacy.
- Optional backups are encrypted, meaning that we can never access your data in a readable format.
- You can export or delete your data inside the app at any time.
- You can trust the non-profit app that’s run by charters who care as much about their own privacy as yours!

Privacy is a fundamental human right that cannot be sold or given away and underpins human dignity.

Respect for data privacy leads to more equitable and empowered relationships between app makers and users.

Read our privacy policy to learn how we respect you and protect your data.

Frequently asked questions
Data sharing can be very beneficial for research purposes, especially in the field of fertility awareness and hormonal / reproductive health where data and research are limited. However, data sharing by menstrual cycle apps is often not at all transparent and for purposes far wider than scientific research.
We believe that data sharing for research should always be opt-in only (that is to say, by default we should be able to use menstrual cycle apps without being obliged to share our data) with a transparent overview of study aims, authors and any financial interests to enable fully informed consent.
Unfortunately no corporate period tracking apps currently fully respect these principles. Many menstrual cycle apps share user data with researchers, marketers and other third parties with minimal transparency or accountability to users.
Read Your Body is collaborating with like-minded others to develop an ethical femtech charter. This will encourage greater accountability and higher standards for privacy practices and human-centered app design in femtech while pushing for more robust oversight by regulators.
In the future we hope to give you the opportunity to contribute anonymised menstrual cycle charting data to carefully designed, non-commercial, high quality, prospective, ethics-approved, peer-reviewed, participatory studies (for example, exploring the effectiveness of various fertility awareness-based methods) in collaboration with respected research institutes. All participants would be kept closely informed of study progress and results with opportunities for engagement and discussion. In this way we hope to show how femtech can support important scientific research while upholding total privacy as the default.
No! As a non-profit company we are legally structured in a way that means we can never “sell” the Read Your Body app. (We could only ever transfer it to another non-profit company for management and we have no intentions of doing this.)
You can rest assured that our privacy promise will never change.