Hello! My name is Yareline and I’m a certified Billings Ovulation Method instructor. I discovered fertility awareness/natural family planning methods after coming off hormonal contraception and searching for an effective alternative. In order to gain confidence in my cycle charting, I worked with an instructor and was amazed at what I learned. If only I had learned about this sooner! I ended up learning two methods.
I enjoy teaching others the valuable, life-changing, and empowering skill of being in tune with your body + knowing how to manage your fertility without drugs/devices/barriers. I offer live, online group classes as well as individual instruction. I also speak Spanish.
The Billings Ovulation Method is a cervical mucus/vulval sensation only method that can be used in all life stages of reproductive life:
•regular cycles
•irregular cycles
•post hormonal contraception
I look forward to working with you!
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All information in this listing has been provided directly by the educator.